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IAMO Alumni Association

Who we are

In 2014, the association "Alumni of the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) Halle" e.V. was founded. We engage various activities to support the exchange of information between former and current employees.

What we do

Our main goals:

  • promotion and support of information exchange and cooperation between former and current employees and friends/supporters of IAMO
  • promotion and support of the dialogue between science, business, and politics, among others, through stimulating research ideas and projects as well as knowledge exchange
  • promotion and support of IAMO‘s scientific PR activities
  • fostering relations between IAMO and partner institutions in Germany and abroad

Our activities:

  • developing and maintaining a network among IAMO, alumni, and supporters
  • supporting IAMO‘s staff in their academic and non-academic careers
  • supporting IAMO‘s efforts to acquire exceptional scientific personnel, especially junior scientists
  • providing a platform for information exchange and discussion
  • developing an alumni database and webpage
  • publication of a newsletter
  • acquisition of external project funds

Members of the board of the association

In office since June 2017

Prof. Dr. Jon Hanf (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Frohberg (Vice Chairman)
Marianne Müller-Albinsky (Management) 
Prof. Dr. Thomas Herzfeld
Dr. Klaus Reinsberg
Dr. Miroslava Bavorova


IAMO Alumni Association "Alumni des Leibniz-Institutes für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien (IAMO) Halle" e.V.
Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2
06120 Halle (Saale)
alumni(at) │ LinkedIn: Alumni-IAMO

Registered Association Number:
Amtsgericht Stendal VR 4047
Tax number: 110/142/01167

Banking Details
Commerzbank AG / Filiale Halle
IBAN: DE02 8008 0000 0850 1300 00

Marianne Müller-Albinsky
Research Administrator