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28 June 2024

General Meeting at IAMO and online

Further information will be released soon.


04.-07.09.2023 International IAMO-Alumni training for research managers 2023
23.06.2023 General Meeting at IAMO and virtual
01.09.2022 IAMO Career Talk. Career decisions after the doctorate at IAMO with Dr. Andreas Gramzow from the GFA Consulting Group. Mr Gramzow coordinates the bilateral cooperation projects for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMBF), also known as the Agricultural Policy Dialogues.
24.06.2022 General Meeting at IAMO and virtual
20-24.06.2022 International IAMO-Alumni Summer School 2022 “Research and innovation for sustainable rural development”
24.09.2021 General Meeting at IAMO and virtual
25.09.2020 General Meeting at IAMO and virtual
28.06.2019 General Meeting at IAMO
27.12.2018 IAMO Alumni Night at Café Brohmers in Halle (Saale) - Exchange of IAMO alumni and employees on their own research and possible career paths
30.08.2018 IAMO Career Talk. Career paths after graduation
29.06.2018 General Meeting
24.08.2017 IAMO Career Talk. Career paths after graduation – What do alumni say? at IAMO
23.06.2017 General Meeting at IAMO
12.-16.09.2016 DAAD-Summer School for International Alumni "Legal and Economic Challenges for Sustainable Food Security in the 21st Century" at IAMO and at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
24.06.2016 General Meeting at IAMO
15.01.2016 Workshop at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center
19.06.2015 General Meeting at IAMO
16.01.2015 Workshop at the Headquarters of the Leibniz Association, Berlin